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Our purpose.

The Capital Women’s Campaign (CWC) is an alliance of women from the greater Sacramento area determined to flex our collective power and bring more women into the political process.


Standing on the shoulders of the women before us.

CWC continues to celebrate Women's Rights to vote.


The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees all American women over the age of 18 the right to vote. It was passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, but it wasn't until Tennessee passed the amendment more than a year later on Aug. 18, 1920, that it finally received the approval of three-fourths of the states it needed to become official. 


The women's rights movement came to national prominence in 1848. The original women's voting rights amendment was first presented to Congress in 1878, but it took decades of petitions and protests before women would finally win the right to vote.


In the more than 70 years that passed since the first women's rights campaigns, most of the original campaigners passed away and weren't able to see their hard work finally pay off. 


At CWC, we understand political equality is an ongoing process. We continue to work toward a time when the fight for political equality is fully engaged and recognizes the importance of intersectionality and is inclusive to women of all intersections. 

Silent Sentinels

Women got the right to vote in California on October 10th, 1911 - 9 years before the 19th Amendment passed nationally. On October 10th, 2020, we saw Silent Sentinels on busy street corners throughout Sacramento. This was to honor The Silent Sentinels who peacefully demonstrated in front of the White House for the right to vote in the early nineteen hundreds. From 1917 to 1919 a group of determined women stood silently with signs in protest of President Woodrow Wilson for his lack of support for suffrage. They wore distinctive purple, white and gold sashes and held signs with slogans like, “Mr. President, how long must we wait for liberty?” We were out there dressed in purple, white and gold with our, “Get Out the Vote,” signs on October 10th. Our Silent Sentinels remain vigilant and will return again.  



Our Purpose
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We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

We need your support today!

© 2019 Capital Women's Campaign

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