Elected Women
Capital Women’s Campaign works to get more women involved in politics at all levels with the ultimate goal to improve the lives of women, children, and the world overall.
A key measure of our effectiveness is the number of women elected to office. Below you will find:
Number and percent of elected women in our area
Number and percent of seats open to reelection in next cycle, 2022
Links to official county voter registrar lists of elected officials and offices, reported biennially
El Dorado County
There are 104, or 42 %, elected women out of a total of 248 offices.
There are 132 offices open for reelection in 2022, or 53%.
El Dorado County does not have the offices listed online but they can be requested at: https://edcgov.us/Government/Elections/Pages/contact_us.aspx . Ask for the Candidate/Campaign Filing Officer.