Current News
Week of
August 11th, 2024
Calls to Action
8/19: Women Democrats of Sacramento County Monthly Meeting
6 - 8 pm, Park Terrace Swim Club,5500 Parkfield Court, Sacramento 95822
Postcard writing party for Assembly Dist 7 Candidate Porsche Middleton; followed by guest speakers Assembly Dist 6 Candidate Maggy Krell will present her campaign for Assembly District 6, including an opportunity to travel with her to Reno Oct 20th to canvas in a critical swing state; and Brittany Jorgenson from the Coalition Against Project 2025
More info:
9/8: Sacramento Mayoral Forum - Candidates Dr. Flo Cofer and Kevin McCarty.
Sunday, 3:30 to 5:00pm. Sponsored by Sacramento Area Congregations Together, St. Peter and All Hallows Parish, 5500 13th Street, Sacramento 95820.
Family friendly/all ages/open to the public. More info:
9/10 Presidential Debate - Harris v. Trump
10/5: Silent Sentinels Get Out the Vote
Saturday 10 am - noon. Modern-day Suffragists will take to the streets in the role of Silent Sentinels throughout Sacramento with “Vote” signs designed to get all Sacramentans to the polls. Dressed in suffragist colors of purple, white and gold, these women will honor the original Silent Sentinels who peacefully demonstrated in front of the White House for the right to vote in the early nineteen hundreds. From 1917 to 1919 a group of determined women stood silently with signs in protest of President Woodrow Wilson's lack of support of women’s suffrage. More info:
Oct. 5 Silent Sentinel Saturday video
10/20 Join Maggy Krell's bus trip to canvas Reno
11/2 Sacramento Women's March at the State Capitol
See the list below for other places to volunteer your time, talent and treasure at the local, state and national levels:
Black Women Organized for Political Action Sacramento Chapter
Fem Dems of Sacramento
Flo Cofer for Sacramento Mayor Campaign
Folsom City Council candidates Hla Elkhatib and Barbara Leary
League of Women Voters Sacramento
National Women's Political Caucus Sacramento
Placer County Women Democrats
Women Democrats of Sacramento County
Porsche Middleton and Maggie Krell Assembly Campaigns
Kamala Harris for President
Jessica Morse for Congress
Activate America
Emily's List
Sister District
Swing Left
Women Rising
Past News

Heather Fargo, CWC President and former Sacramento Mayor
November 3rd, 2021

"Boston Mayor-Elect's son asked her if boys can be mayor too. 'They have been. And they will again someday. But not tonight.'
- Michelle Wu, the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants and the first woman or person of color directly elected to the office."
March 11, 2020 - 12 min
Beth Ruyak Interviews Heather Fargo
Beth Ruyak interviewed Heather Fargo, Former Mayor of Sacramento and current President of the CWC, about how women can run for office.
Click here for How Women Can Run For Office.